How to Leave a Job Gracefully

Imagine a co−worker who trashes his cubicle, plays practical jokes on his replacement and slinks off with the copier on his last day of work. Is this a person you´d recommend to a prospective employer? Or expect your company to rehire? Or want to work with again? Probably not.

We can only hope that the reported antics surrounding the Clintons´ White House exodus are untrue, because bad behavior−from a chief executive, no less−degrades the employment experience for the rest of us.

When faced with leaving a job, it´s best to exercise decorum, whether the move is voluntary or forced. To make the best of an awkward situation, here are some tips to remember:

Keep your mouth shut. Leaving a job (like ending a personal relationship) is strictly a private matter; and waving your dirty laundry serves no purpose.

Stay cool. Even in the context of a "confidential" exit interview, there´s nothing to gain from scorching the Earth.

Keep your distance. Soliciting support (or fomenting dissent) from your co−workers might create the impression of a conspiracy or coup d´etat−and unwittingly implicate innocent people.

Burn bridges at your own peril. The company you left yesterday may need your services tomorrow. If you don´t have anything nice to say, don´t say it.

Sure, it´s easy to be gracious when everything´s rosy. But it takes an extra dose of character to act like an adult when the going gets tough. If you´re ever caught in a sudden employment shift, try to maintain your composure and consider the consequences of your actions.

Workplace trends like flexible schedules and casual Fridays may come and go−but good manners are forever.

Otherwise, Shakespeare wouldn´t have written, "A person is remembered for his entrances and exits."